If you have ever filed an appeal with the Tree Commission, you probably know some of the hassles, frustrations, lack of information, etc. that one may encounter when trying to prepare for a hearing. The Tree Next Door, upon request, matches someone who is a novice at the appeals process with someone who has been through the ropes to provide guidance.
If you have experience in filing an appeal, even if it has just been one appeal, we would like your assistance in helping people who are filing their first appeal. As an Appeals Support Volunteer, you will be assigned an appellant to "coach" through the process on an as-needed basis. Ideally, you will attend the appeals hearing with the appellant but you will not present the case. (The appellant should do that.) If possible, we will assign you to a case in your own neighborhood planning unit (NPU) or in the section of the city in which you live. Please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for more information about how you can help others in the appeals process.