Glossary of Key Terms

Boundary tree  means a tree on adjacent property whose root save area intrudes across the property line of the site under consideration. 

Buildable area  means that area of the lot available for the construction of a dwelling and permissible accessory uses after having provided the required front, side, rear and any other special yards required …

Critical root zone  (Root save area)  means the area surrounding a tree that is essential to that tree's health and survival. For a free-standing tree with no apparent root restrictions the root save area shall consist of a circle having a radius of one foot for each one inch of diameter at breast height of the tree. 

Destroy  means any intentional or negligent act or lack of protection that is more likely than not to cause a tree to die within a period of five years, as determined by the city forester or city arborist. Such acts include, but are not limited to: performing grade changes (including lowering or filling the grade) that affect more than 20 percent of the root save area; trenching of roots; cutting, girdling or inflicting other severe mechanical injury to the trunk, roots or other vital sections of the tree; removing in excess of 20 percent of the live crown of the tree; inflicting damage upon the root system of a tree by applying toxic substances, including solvents, oils, gasoline and diesel fuel; causing damage by the operation of heavy machinery; causing damage by the storage of materials; and/or deliberately or negligently burning or setting fire to a tree. In addition, topping, tipping, or any similar improper pruning practices will automatically be deemed as destruction of a tree.  

Diameter at breast height (DBH)  means the diameter of the main stem of a tree or the combined diameters of a multi-stemmed tree as measured 4.5 feet above the natural grade at the base. The top diameter of a stump less than 4.5 feet tall shall be considered the "DBH" of an illegally destroyed tree for the purpose of calculating recompense.  

Hardship  means a unique or otherwise special existing condition that is not addressed by the ordinance.

Hazard tree  means a tree with uncorrectable defects severe enough to pose present danger to people or buildings under normal conditions, as determined by the city arborist or city forester.  

Illegally removed tree  means any tree that is removed or destroyed without a permit.  

Impacted tree  means a tree that will suffer injury or destruction of more than 20 percent but not more than 33 percent of its root save area.  

Incursion  means any occasion of prohibited activity within an area protected by a tree protection fence.  

Injure  means any intentional or negligent act, including various tree climbing practices, spiking, trimming, flush cutting, incursion into a designated root save area, and the use of climbing spurs or gaffs on trees not subject to removal that exposes the cambium of a tree to insects or decay organisms.  

Lost tree  means any tree whose root save area will suffer injury or destruction in excess of 33 percent or is otherwise not protected according to the provisions of this article.  

Private property tree  means for purposes of this article, where reference is made to a tree being on "private property", the tree shall be deemed to be on private property where more than 50 percent of the flair of the tree, where the tree interfaces with the earth, is located on private property.  

Public property tree  means for purposes of this article, where reference is made to a tree being on "public property", the tree shall be deemed to be on public property where at least 50 percent of the flair of the tree, where the tree interfaces with the earth, is located on public property.

Root save area (critical root zone) means the area surrounding a tree that is essential to that tree's health and survival. For a free-standing tree with no apparent root restrictions the root save area shall consist of a circle having a radius of one foot for each one inch of diameter at breast height of the tree.

Saved tree  means any tree that is to be protected and not destroyed or injured during construction as required by this article.  

Structural root plate  means the zone of rapid root taper that provides the tree stability against windthrow. The radius of the root plate is proportional to the stem diameter (DBH) of a tree…

Tree  means any self-supporting woody, perennial plant that has a trunk diameter of two inches or more when measured at a point six inches above ground level and which normally attains an overall height of at least ten feet at maturity, usually with one main stem or trunk and many branches.

Tree replacement plan  means a drawing which depicts the location, size and species of existing and replacement trees on the lot for which a permit is sought, and a table detailing, by species and DBH, the existing trees to be saved, lost or destroyed, and, by species and caliper, the replacement trees to be planted. 

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